Sunday, January 21, 2007

Birthday Shoes

Our house was bursting at the seams this Saturday as our many friends so kindly came to wish Baby bee a Happy 1st Birthday. Everyone piled into our small living room/kitchen/dining room area that was decorated like a Winter Wonderland complete with snowflakes, balloons, crepe paper, and an igloo cake. Baby bee, who was decked out in her birthday party outfit, was a little cautious and stayed clung to my side for a few minutes until she felt confident enough to play with her nine little party guests. It was nostalgic to think back to Busy bee's 1st birthday when none of those little ones were even alive!

Though we had practiced, for the last two weeks, blowing out her birthday candle, Baby bee insistently tried to touch the flames throughout the "Happy Birthday" song. She did however thank everyone for our melodic attempt by clapping. With frosting covering her mouth, cheeks, hands and clothing one could only assume she thought her cake tasted delicious. Much to everyone's' surprise she was most excited about the presents pertaining to her attire. She cooed, clapped, and grinned at the beautiful outfits. A pair of shoes elicited the most exciting of responses as she demanded Hubbee promptly put them on her. Due to the pleasurable responses displayed upon opening her gifts, Hubbee is a little worried that this love of apparel will span for many long years and be a drain on our bank account...I was just excited at the thought that someone might eventually like to shop with me. And not to be left out, Busy bee has since commandeered a few of Baby bee's gifts but will grudgingly share when commanded. Needless to say, he has not thought of touching her shoes...she has yet to take them off!

We are so grateful for our friends and family who traveled many miles just to share and participate in this special event with us. We thank you for your kindness and generosity...we are all truly blessed to know you.

And to Baby bee, we are so lucky to have been given such a beautiful, intelligent, and loving gift from our Heavenly Father. We couldn't have asked for a sweeter spirit to live in our home and become a member of our family. We love you dearly.

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