Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Baby bee is ONE!!!

Its hard to believe it but our "littles" (the affectionate nickname given to her during her birthing hospital stay...We couldn't decide upon a name until the day we took her home), "Chubby Delicious" (as she is known to many of her aunts and uncles), or Baby bee (as I refer to her here) has turned ONE.

Its sad to admit as a parent, but we almost forgot it was her birthday...We had our dates (not her actual birthdate) mixed up and thought her birthday was one day later. Luckily, we have been practicing "Happy Birthday" because it is Busy bee's new favorite song and she had been sung "Happy Birthday" many times on her actual birthday. Phew!

As any parent knows a child's birthday is accompanied with the oh-so-fun doctor's check-up. In the Army they refer to them as "Well Child" appointments. Ironic that the child goes in well but does not always leave that way... Anyway, Baby bee had hers today and it was quite the experience. I mistakenly thought we were going to have a great experience as we had made it a) on time, b) through the doctor's poking/prodding with minimal issues, and c) everyone was waiting patiently in the immunization waiting room.

That was until Baby bee, who had been chewing on the rubber tip of the infant tylenol bottle managed to open and spill all of its contents on her white shirt and my pants. The other moms in the waiting room were trying to hide their "glad that's not me" chuckles...Bless them!

I frantically searched the diaper bag for wipes only to realize that I hadn't remember to put them in this morning as I had told myself to "remind myself" last night. A nursing student took pity on me and brought me wet towels. They managed to remove most of the stickiness but the staining damage was already done.

Eventually, Baby bee's name was called and Busy bee, the stroller, all of our bags, Baby bee and her now bright orange shirt, and I all went into to the "shot" room. Baby bee did a great job getting the three shots in her legs but she almost managed to make the poor technician cry when he tried unsuccessfully three times to bandage her finger after taking a blood prick. He was trying to wrap two of her fingers together (wearing latex gloves) all the while Baby bee was moving her fingers, her hands, her arms...And once he would get it on she would promptly pull it off...all the while she was giggling and smirking what I can only describe as a "devilish smirk." He confided in me that giving shots to babies was the least favorite part of his job. I am sure Baby bee didn't help him change his mind.

So with the doctor's appointment and the shots done, I was certain we were in the clear...I mean we only had to make it to the car and drive home, right!?!

Well, Busy bee decided he didn't want to walk like a "big boy" and promptly threw a full-blown tantrum in the hospital halls when I gave him the boot out of the stroller so Baby bee could take a ride. His crying only worsened when opening the car door I accidentally hit him in the head which caused him to fall into the wet, slushy snow and ice covering the parking lot. So with newly drenched pants and an orange-stained shirt we loaded into the car. The whole ride home I consoled myself saying that they would sleep for hours after all this trauma.

It's now three hours later and I am the one who needs a nap...they are still fully charged and raring to go...maybe the Army should change the name from "Well Child" check-ups to "Well Child, Frazzled Parent" appointments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about all your trouble! Too bad your wipes were left at my house or that may have been one less thing to go wrong! Hope our "well child" appointment tomorrow goes better than yours did, but I'll try to mentally prepare for a difficult time!