Monday, July 31, 2006

No Bees in Sight..

If you were at my hive right now you would hear silence. The eerie kind of silence that only occurs when there are no little bees home. Hubbee and I dropped off Baby bee at Grandma and Grandpa's on Friday night and drove home on Saturday. We had to leave her because we both had business trips to go on this week. It was the first time we, Baby bee and I, have ever been apart...needless to say, the parting was hard for this mama bee.

Sunday was the first day since Busy bee was born that Hubbee and I were completely without little bees. We almost didn't know what to do with was actually quite enjoyable to do nothing. We even went on a date.

We miss our little bees but this day just made us realize how important it is to take time for ourselves and each other.

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