Thursday, July 27, 2006

Busy bee on Vacation

Busy bee is vacationing the next couple of weeks with his paternal grandparents. I was worried about leaving him. Not because I didn't think they (Grandma and Grandpa) could take adequate care of my little bee...they raised four healthy, intelligent children...but because I didn't want him to think we forgot him. Busy bee isn't much of a talker. He has a current vocabulary of approximately 20 words, which is pretty low for someone his age. When I talk to him, I am not always sure how much he understands. Hubbee and I tried to explain why we were leaving him...I think it was more for our benefit than his because he would just giggle and make car noises "vroom-vroom" throughout our discussion .

I said earlier that I didn't want him to to think we forget him but the more I think about it, the more I realize (as selfish as it sounds) that I really didn't want him to forget me. However, most of my motherly worries are quickly evaporating. Not only is he sleeping well and eating well, Busy bee is kept quite busy at Grandma and Grandpas'. He has been going to the park, going swimming, going to the library, reading books, and being potty trained! Yes that's right, my little 21 month-old bee has now used the potty four times! I'm sure the incentive of an M&M for sitting on the potty has greatly pushed him along.

Thankfully, Grandma is always sure to tell me the day's highlights which helps me feel connected. And much to my delight, I know I am not forgotten. I am told Tobee takes my picture off of the nightstand, holds it in his chubby little hands and gives me a big kiss.

Maybe Busy bee understands more than I think. Maybe he realizes that we wanted him to have quality one on one time with his doting Grandparents. Or maybe his simply realizes the truth of the matter, that his Mama was really the one in need of a vacation.

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