Friday, October 27, 2006

Super Glue

Busy bee recently turned two years old. Hubbee and I decided to throw a small family birthday party for the occasion. A few weeks before the "big day" I started to explain to Busy bee that he would be turning two. We worked on holding up two fingers instead of one, practiced singing "Happy Birthday," and even worked on puffing our cheeks full of air and blowing. To say that Busy bee had been prepped would not do all of my hard (not to mention repetitive) work justice.
Finally, the big day rolled around and Busy bee was excited. He still wasn't completely sure what was happening but he knew that there was a cake (aka "cookie" in Busy bee's vocabulary) and presents. Throughout the day I would sing "Happy Birthday" to him and he would promptly point his cubby finger in the direction of his cake and ask, "Cookie?" A few times I even found him trying to sneak peak under the wrapping paper.

Despite all this, I think it was harder on me than Busy bee to wait for Hubbee to get home and for the festivities to start. Have I mentioned that I love birthdays?!? (Actually I am a sucker for almost any holiday...I love traditions) Needless to say, Hubbee finally made it home and Busy bee showed off his past few weeks of training. He accurately blew out both birthday candles and even mastered the art of unwrapping!

His gifts turned out to be a big hit. Surprise, surprise!! He was almost in a state of reverent awe with all his new goodies. Hubbee showed him how to do strafing runs with his new airplane which he now does with an alarming closeness to Baby bee's head. And his two new motorcycles (or "guycycles") can regularly been seen in each of his chubby hands.

I searched long and hard to find airplanes and motorcycles acceptable for a two year old...let me tell you, they aren't out on the market. But it was all Busy bee had been talking about for months...airplanes and guycycles. In an act of desperation, I finally opted on models that seemed to have the fewest amount of removable/breakable pieces. I kept picturing a horrific, not to mention, embarrassing trip to the emergency room where I would have to describe to some state social services employee how my 10 month old had managed to swallow a model airplane's propeller. Luckily, that hasn't been the case...yet.

I will say that even if I had found age suitable airplanes and guycycles, my newly turned two year old ball of mischief would have found a way to destroy them. His third year on this planet has prompted a desire in him to climb everything, get into everything, and brake everything. I have a feeling this might be a long and trying year. 8 days down...357 to go.

By the way, I am typing this with fingers crusted in dried super glue...yup, you guessed it, the guycycle broke!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha that is so funny!