Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Queen Bee's Top 10 Most Useful Baby Products

In no particular order...

Boudreaux's Butt Paste - the absolute best diaper rash ointment I have ever used (and I have tried them all)...not to mention it smells good!

New Baby socks - the best socks for little feet! They not only have elastic around the top of the sock but also around the ankle so socks don't come off of little feet. Plus, they don't pinch or cut off circulation.

Bumbo - I swear this seat enabled Abbee to sit unassisted by herself two weeks faster than she would have been able to without using it.

Snap N Go by Baby Trend - as the name implies, I simply snap my infant's carseat onto this lightweight stroller frame and off we go. It folds up to such a nice and compact size that I've even been able to fit it between my front and back seat when the trunk is too full.

Fresh Food Feeder by Munchkin - this feeding utensil is key to letting Abbee try new fruits, vegetables, and even meat. The food de jour is held in the mesh bag and the top is snapped shut. Baby then sucks/gums the mesh bag getting all the food's tasty flavor and some very small digestible pieces...all without the risk of choking.

Drop-gate Crib by Baby's Dream - I love this crib. It is sturdy, stylish, affordable, convertible, and safe. Plus, it will last my little ones for years to come.

Boppy - A must have for every newly nursing mom...seriously!

Nuby Sippy Cups - Easy-to-use two handled grip, soft mouthpiece, and cheap. I haven't found a better sippy cup for beginners.

Robeez - Soft-soled leather shoes that are cute and easily slide on. They can even be machine washed. I've used the same pair for both of my children and they are still in excellent condition.

and last but not least...

White Onsies - These are a tried and true basic. They go under everything, work in every season, are washable, bleachable, and are cheap. No baby's wardrobe is complete without them.

These are all baby products that I have never once regretted buying. They have made my job as a parent easier and thus more enjoyable. Let me know what some of your favorite and most useful baby products are? I always like to know what others are using.

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