Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Baby bee is the last one in her play group to learn how to crawl. She is very close, however. She gets up on her chubby little arms and knees and rocks back and forth and squeals. She thinks she is amazing. More often than not she manages to propel herself backwards. I know its only a matter of a few weeks or possibly days until she masters this next baby milestone and is one step closer to being a toddler.

I remember constantly worrying about Busy bee's development at this age. Was he behind the other babies? Is this a problem I should worry about? What can I do to help him? Questions, questions and more questions!!! I spent so much time worrying that I think I forgot to simply enjoy each and every moment of his babyhood. My mother would tell me not to worry, "Busy bee will do it when he wants to...just enjoy what he is doing right now." She was right.

Babies are and always will be on their own schedule...they will smile only when they want to, crawl only when they are ready to, and talk only when they have something worth saying. And I am glad I have learned that this time around. Because I know that this time I am enjoying the moments between the milestones and not just the milestones themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom says I went right from sitting and kinda scooting on my rear to straight up walking!! I was a slow developer. I went from saying nothing at all right to full sentences!!