Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hive Bytes

Its been a little crazy around here. Bella bee has had a raging viral infection for over a week and thus, I have accomplished little concerning this blog (or anything else for that matter.) So in an attempt to catch everyone up, here are a few recent "sound bytes" from the hive!

Hive Bytes

said Busy bee - "Momma, does God shoot animals too?"

said Bella bee (while sitting on my lap) - "Momma, I miss you. Do you miss me too? You are my best friend."

said Busy bee (while naked and getting his hair trimed) - "Aack! Get that hair off my privates. I am still a little boy."

said Bella bee (after Busy bee told her "No!") - "Busy no me"

said Busy bee (during his nighttime prayer) - "Thank you for my house, my family, my race cars, my hot rods, my sedans, my suvs, and my monster trucks."

said Bella bee - "Jesus loves me." (patting my hand while shaking her head knowingly) "Oh, he loves you too."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! It is so funny what our little ones will say! Hope you're saving all this stuff to read to them when they're older!!
missing all of you,