Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bella Bee

We were able to watch and enjoy the stunning lunar eclipse last night. I tried to explain to the little bees how a lunar eclipse happens. When that didn't sink in, I told them that the Earth was tucking in the Moon with our shadow.

Baby Bee thought this whole experience was amazing. She made me take her out to watch it's progression many times throughout the evening. She would lay back in my arms and in a breathy voice claim that it was, "boo-tiful." And then proceed to tell the Moon, "night, night Moon" and blow the moon a kiss.

Thus in honor of my own beautiful Baby bee's progress from baby to toddler, a seemingly overnight progression, I am changing her blog name to Bella bee. Bella, the Italian word for beautiful, aptly describes this little bee. She consistantly sees the beauty in the world around her. She not only brighten's my day with her radiating self but also manages that task in those who cross her path.

We are truly lucky to have Bella bee as a member of our family. Her presence alone seems to make not only our days but ourselves and our actions more beautiful.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

And she looks just like her Auntie Kellie :o)