Thursday, May 03, 2007

3 in the bed

Since Hubbee's departure, I have found myself in the midst of a "bed" situation. Though my little bee's intentions are sweet, I have come to decide that three in the bed is most oftentimes one too many (and in the case of toddlers, two too many)!

Baby bee has recently taken up a midnight nightcap. She has figured out that she can effectively use all of her 23 pounds to "bump" her crib into the wall. If this tactic doesn't quickly produce the results which she wants (i.e. a sippee cup of milk and some quality time in Mama bee's bed) she then somehow manages to fart a smell so potent that an unassuming house guest would conclude that she has an upset tummy and a poopy diaper. Once Baby bee is saved from her "nightly cage of turmoil" she gleefully giggles and runs into Mama's bedroom with her chubby hands clasped around her sippee cup. Then she pats the bed with the previously said chubby hand and says, "Mama, up." After being lifted into the bed, Baby bee chooses her pillow, pulls back the covers in her desired location and lays down. Laying down might not be the correct descriptive word, however wallow would be. After she has finalized her wallowing ritual she then pulls up the comforter so it rests right under her chin. It is imperative that the comforter is bunched up under her chin or the whole ritual begins again. But if her "snuggling" and "swaddling" goes as desired she then takes back up her sippee cup and drinks sips intermixed with jabbering and the occasional real word. Sometimes, I think she wakes up only because she figures she has something to say.

Once Baby bee has had her fill of both milk and conversation and has successfully been put back into bed, it is only a few short hours until Busy bee makes his appearance.

Busy bee's approach to receiving a bed invite is a little bit different than Baby bee's. Busy bee can be heard at first by a low whine which quickly turns into a pitiful fake cry. If he isn't answered within the first few minutes of such theatrics he then chooses the more direct route of calling out "MOM" over and over. Once, I have given the verbal invite for him to leave his bed, Busy comes running into mine with his bear blanket and as many cars as he can hold in his little grasp. He then tells me to "Wake up" and climbs into bed. He lays down so our faces are a mere inch away from each other and then says, "Milk, Mama. Movie please" in his most plaintive voice. After this, my day has begun whether I wanted it to or not.

Lately, one might say of our hive, "There were three in the bed and the little one says, 'Nite, nite'." And they'd be right.

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